Final Year Projects

Academic Year 2023-2024

Tech/AI For Good

There are still many unsolved problems around the world (UN Goals), such as environmental protection and elderly care. With the knowledge and tools you have gained during your university studies, can you use AI to help address these issues and make a positive impact? For this project, you will need to:
  • Identify a specific problem or area you would like to address

  • Understand the needs of the target group affected by this problem

  • Apply your computer science and artificial intelligence skills (such as computer vision) to develop a solution that addresses the problem.

Created by AI

Object Recognition for Medical Instruments

In hospitals, nurses are required to count the instruments (e.g. surgical knives, forceps) lest they be left inside a patient’s body/not enough or wrong instruments during the surgery. This process is called surgical counting, and the Central Sterile Services Department of the Hospital Authority currently employs manual counting. The department frequently encounters the following problems:
  1. the number or order of instruments in a tray is wrong,

  2. certain instruments are difficult to count (such as overlapping scissors), and

  3. foreign objects (such as hair clips or stationery)

Object Recognition is a computer vision technique used to identify and locate objects in a photo. In this project, we aim to apply computer vision techniques to help medical professionals count the instruments correctly and rapidly. For this project, you will need to
  • plan and execute the object detection workflow,

  • investigate which algorithms are best suited for these scenarios, and

  • create a usable user interface for nurses to work on.

Previous Work